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fine [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈfaɪn/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/faɪn/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(fīn; Mus. fēnā; Wine fēn) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'fine' (v): (⇒ conjugate)finesv 3rd person singular finingv pres p finedv past finedv past p

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 fine adj (OK) (口语)SCSimplified Chinese 好,可以,没关系 kě yǐ,méi guān xì TCTraditional Chinese 好,可以,沒關係  You parked across the street? That's fine.  你把车泊在了街对面?很好,没问题。 fine adj (healthy) (指健康状况)SCSimplified Chinese 健康的,感觉好的 jiàn kāng de ,gǎn jué hǎo de  She is fine today, though she felt awful the last few days.  她今天感觉很好,但前几天都觉得非常不舒服。 fine adj (thin)SCSimplified Chinese 细的 xì de  He has very fine hair.  他的头发很细。 fine adv informal (good) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 很好,不错 hěn hǎo ,bú cuò TCTraditional Chinese 不錯  Yes, he did fine with his presentation.  对,他报告作得很好。 fine n (financial penalty)SCSimplified Chinese 罚款 fá kuǎn TCTraditional Chinese 罰款   SCSimplified Chinese 罚金 fá kuǎn,fá jīn TCTraditional Chinese 罰金  He received a fine for driving too fast.  因为开快车,他收到了一张罚款单。 fine [sb]⇒ vtr (charge, penalize)SCSimplified Chinese 对…处以罚金 duì chǔ yǐ fá jīn   SCSimplified Chinese 罚款 duì chǔ yǐ fá jīn,fá kuǎn TCTraditional Chinese 罰款  The policeman fined him for driving too fast.  因为开快车,警察罚了他款。 fine [sb] [sth]⇒ vtr (charge, penalize by an amount)SCSimplified Chinese 对…处以(罚款)  The judge fined her £500 for contempt of court.  由于蔑视法庭,法官对她处以500英镑的罚款。 fine adj (weather) (天气)SCSimplified Chinese 晴朗的 qíng lǎng de  Today will be a fine day. Not a cloud in the sky!  今天将会晴空万里。一朵云都没有! fine adj (attractive)SCSimplified Chinese 杰出的 jié chū de TCTraditional Chinese 傑出的   SCSimplified Chinese 优秀的 jié chū de ,yōu xiù de TCTraditional Chinese 優秀的  He is such a fine man!  他真是为杰出人士!   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 fine adj (refined)SCSimplified Chinese 高雅的 gāo yǎ de   SCSimplified Chinese 雅致的 gāo yǎ de ,yǎ zhì de  Her supper parties are always very fine, with French wine, and polite conversation.  她的晚宴向来高雅,有法国葡萄酒助兴,大家很礼貌地交谈。 fine adj (small)SCSimplified Chinese 细微的 xì wēi de TCTraditional Chinese 細微的   SCSimplified Chinese 细小的 xì wēi de ,xì xiǎo de  Vermeer's paintings are admired for their fine detail.  弗美尔的画作因细节描绘入微而备受推崇。 fine adj (ornate)SCSimplified Chinese 精美的 jīng měi de   SCSimplified Chinese 华丽的 jīng měi de ,huá lì de TCTraditional Chinese 華麗的  The decoration on this French clock is very fine.  这个法国时钟的装饰非常精美。 fine adj (nuanced)SCSimplified Chinese 细微的 xì wēi de TCTraditional Chinese 細微的   SCSimplified Chinese 微妙的 xì wēi de ,wēi miào de  There is a fine distinction between drunk and inebriated.  酒鬼和酗酒者之间有着细微区别。 fine adj (wine) (酒)SCSimplified Chinese 醇正的 chún zhèng de  France produces many fine wines.  法国出产多种优质葡萄酒。 fine adj (knife, blade) (刀)SCSimplified Chinese 锋利的,快的 fēng lì de ,kuài de TCTraditional Chinese 鋒利的  It was a very fine knife and could cut anything.  这把刀很快,什么都能切断。 fine adj (high quality)SCSimplified Chinese 上好的 shàng hǎo de   SCSimplified Chinese 优质的 shàng hǎo de ,yōu zhì de  She always served fine wine at her parties.  她举办派对时总会上好酒。 fine adj (house, speech: grand)SCSimplified Chinese 豪华的 háo huá de TCTraditional Chinese 豪華的   SCSimplified Chinese 宏伟的 háo huá de ,hóng wěi de TCTraditional Chinese 宏偉的  The family lived in a fine house with landscaped gardens.  这家人住在一栋带有园林式花园的豪华住宅里。 Fine! interj (OK: sarcastic or angry) (表示嘲讽或愤怒的感叹词)SCSimplified Chinese 好了!   SCSimplified Chinese 行!  You didn't save me a seat? Fine! I'll sit over here, then!  你没给我留座?行!那我就坐这里了!   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 a fine mess n informal (situation: awkward) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 一团糟,一团乱麻 yì tuán zāo,yì tuán luàn má  The lies we told got us into a fine mess when everyone found out the truth. Now you've done it! Look at the fine mess you've gotten us into.  当所有人都得知真相后,我们之前的谎言让我们陷入了困境。  现在你做到了!看看你给我们带来的麻烦。 a pretty kettle of fish, a fine kettle of fish, a kettle of fish n figurative, informal (difficult situation)SCSimplified Chinese 糟糕透顶   SCSimplified Chinese 一塌糊涂 al fine adv (music: to the end)SCSimplified Chinese 演奏至结尾   SCSimplified Chinese 复唱至结尾 cutting it close, cutting it fine n informal, figurative (finishing just in time)SCSimplified Chinese 时间卡得紧,刚好赶上 extra fine adj (very thin)SCSimplified Chinese 极细的 jí xì de TCTraditional Chinese 極細的   SCSimplified Chinese 超细的 jí xì de,chāo xì de extra fine adj (extremely high quality)SCSimplified Chinese 极好的 jí hǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 極好的   SCSimplified Chinese 极优的 jí hǎo de ,jí yōu de fine art n (art: painting)SCSimplified Chinese 美术 měi shù TCTraditional Chinese 美術   SCSimplified Chinese 美艺术 měi shù,měi yì shù  The sale will be of interest to collectors of fine art. fine arts npl (visual artforms) (绘画、雕塑等)SCSimplified Chinese 美术,美艺术 měi shù,měi yì shù TCTraditional Chinese 美術  Paul has always loved the fine arts, and is now doing a degree in London. Fine by me interj informal (acquiescence)SCSimplified Chinese 我没意见,我不介意 wǒ bú jiè yì  "Mind if I go now?" "Fine by me." fine cooking n (gourmet food, high-class cuisine)SCSimplified Chinese 高级烹饪   SCSimplified Chinese 高档烹饪 fine dining n (gourmet meals)SCSimplified Chinese 精品美食  In town, there is a family restaurant and a fine dining restaurant. fine food n (gourmet meals)SCSimplified Chinese 优质美食,高端美食  The hotel served fine food. fine line between [sth] and [sth], a fine line between [sth] and [sth] n figurative (little distinction)SCSimplified Chinese 微小的差别 wēi xiǎo de chā bié  There's a fine line between genius and insanity.  天才和疯子间只有一线之隔。 fine point n (detail)SCSimplified Chinese 细节 xì jié TCTraditional Chinese 細節   SCSimplified Chinese 详情 xì jié ,xiáng qíng fine point n (pen: narrow tip)SCSimplified Chinese 笔尖 bǐ jiān TCTraditional Chinese 筆尖 the fine print, the small print n figurative (terms and conditions) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 细则,条款 xì zé,tiáo kuǎn TCTraditional Chinese 條款  If only I'd read the fine print, I wouldn't have lost so much money. fine print, small print n (text printed in small font)SCSimplified Chinese 小号字体印刷品 xiǎo hào zì tǐ yìn shuā pǐn   SCSimplified Chinese 细字印刷 xiǎo hào zì tǐ yìn shuā pǐn,xì zì yìn shuā  The fine print's too hard for me to read due to my bad eyesight. fine tuning n (precise adjustment)SCSimplified Chinese 微调 wēi tiáo   SCSimplified Chinese 细调 wēi tiáo ,xì diào  Regular fine-tuning will be required to keep these estimates up to date. You've got the right idea here but it still needs some fine tuning. fine-grain n as adj (wood: with a fine grain) (木头等)SCSimplified Chinese 有细密纹理的 fine-grain n as adj (detailed)SCSimplified Chinese 精细的 jīng xì de fine-grained adj (wood: with a fine grain) (树木等)SCSimplified Chinese 有细密纹理的 fine-grained adj (detailed)SCSimplified Chinese 详细的 xiáng xì de TCTraditional Chinese 詳細的   SCSimplified Chinese 详尽的 xiáng xì de ,xiáng jìn de TCTraditional Chinese 詳盡的 fine-grained adj (ground to small particles)SCSimplified Chinese 磨成细粒的 fine-looking, fine looking adj (splendid)SCSimplified Chinese 外观好看的 wài guān hǎo kàn de   SCSimplified Chinese 美观的 wài guān hǎo kàn de,měi guān de TCTraditional Chinese 美觀的 备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun. That champion purebred Collie is a fine-looking dog. fine-looking, fine looking adj (man: handsome)SCSimplified Chinese 英俊的 yīng jùn de   SCSimplified Chinese 好相貌的 yīng jùn de ,hǎo xiàng mào de   SCSimplified Chinese 长得漂亮的 yīng jùn de ,zhǎng de piào liàng de 备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun. My my! What a fine-looking young man you've grown up to be.  我的天哪!你长大后怎么变得如此英俊。 fine-tooth n as adj (comb, etc.: with teeth close together) (梳子等)SCSimplified Chinese 齿细密的 fine-toothed adj (comb, etc.: with teeth close together) (梳子等)SCSimplified Chinese 齿细密的 fine-tune [sth]⇒ vtr figurative (refine) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 对…进行改进 duì jìn xíng gǎi jìn  The basic process is good but we'll need to fine-tune it a bit as we go along. fine-tune [sth] vtr (adjust precisely)SCSimplified Chinese 对…进行微调 duì jìn xíng wēi tiáo  He found it impossible to fine-tune the radio using the dial. finespun, fine-spun adj figurative (delicate, fine)SCSimplified Chinese 精巧的, 精美雅致的 finespun, fine-spun adj (thread, yarn: very thin) (指线、纱等)SCSimplified Chinese 纤细的, 超细的 I'm fine interj (I am well)SCSimplified Chinese 我很好  'How are you?' - 'I'm fine, thanks!'  “你近来如何?”“我很好,谢谢!” I'm fine interj informal (I don't need anything)SCSimplified Chinese 我够了, 我不需要了  'Would you like something to eat or drink?' - 'No, thanks. I'm fine.'  "你要吃一点或喝一点吗?"“不用,谢谢。我够了。” be in fine form v expr (be fit, healthy)SCSimplified Chinese 健康状况良好 jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng liáng hǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 身体状态良好  Even though I'm 50 years old, I'm still in fine form and can beat you at tennis any day! be in fine form v expr (be in a good mood)SCSimplified Chinese 心情好 xīn qíng hǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 状态好 xīn qíng hǎo ,zhuàng tài hǎo in fine shape adv informal (in good condition)SCSimplified Chinese 状况良好 zhuàng kuàng liáng hǎo TCTraditional Chinese 狀況良好   SCSimplified Chinese 状态不错 zhuàng kuàng liáng hǎo,zhuàng tài bú cuò  Gerard's in fine shape since he lost ten pounds.  杰勒德瘦了十磅后身体状况良好。 medium-fine, medium fine adj (pen, pencil point) (笔尖、笔头)SCSimplified Chinese 中细的 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.medium-fine, medium fine adj (sandpaper grit) (砂纸)SCSimplified Chinese 中细的 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.medium-fine, medium fine adj (hair strand diameter) (发丝直径)SCSimplified Chinese 中细的 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.parking fine n (penalty fee for an offence)SCSimplified Chinese 违章停车罚款  Parking fines issued by private agencies are not legally enforceable. school of fine arts n (college of visual arts)SCSimplified Chinese 艺术学院 yì shù xué yuàn TCTraditional Chinese 藝術學院 speeding fine n (penalty for driving too fast)SCSimplified Chinese 超速罚款 That's fine by me interj informal (acquiescence)SCSimplified Chinese 我没意见  If you leave, that's fine by me. traffic fine n (charge made for a driving offence)SCSimplified Chinese 交通违章罚款   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: fine [faɪn] I adj 1 (=satisfactory) 还(還)不错(錯)的 hái bùcuò de 2 (=excellent) [+ object, person] 好的 hǎo de 3 (in texture) [+ hair, thread, powder, sand] 细(細)的 xì de 4 (=pleasant) [+ weather, day] 晴朗的 qínglǎng de 5 (=subtle) [+ adjustment, detail, distinction] 细(細)微的 xìwēi de II adv 1 (=well) 不错(錯)地 bùcuò de 2 (=thinly) 细(細)地 xì de III n [c] (Law) 罚(罰)款 fákuǎn [笔 bǐ] IV vt (Law) 处(處)…以罚(罰)金 chǔ…yǐ fájīn (I'm) fine (我)很好 (wǒ) hěn hǎo (that's) fine (那)好吧 (nà) hǎoba to cut it fine (in time) 扣得紧(緊) kòu de jǐn you're doing fine你做得很好 nǐ zuò de hěn hǎo 在这些条目还发现'fine': 在英文解释里: A-OK - all right - amerce - amercement - angel hair pasta - arts and crafts - B.F.A. - baking sugar - beaux arts - braw - calf - cobwebby - confectioner's sugar - cordovan - corking - crazed - discriminative - ducky - dusting - Epicureanism - filament - filigree - fine-grain - fine-grained - finery - finespun - flyaway - forfeit - fuzz - gastronome - gastronomical - gastronomy - gold dust - gossamer - gothic - gourmet - grand - graticule - ground glass - hacksaw - hairline - hairline fracture - haute cuisine - honey - hunky-dory - lanugo - magnificent - microfiber - mulct - muslin 中文: 罚款 - 罚金 - 也罢 - 优良 - 嘉 - 精盐 - 精细 - 细 - 绒 - 美好 - 良好 - 茸 - 骏 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Types/qualities of hair, Police, 更多……同义词: exceptional, awesome, outstanding, excellent, quality, 更多……习惯性搭配: fined for [speeding, illegal parking, obscenity], an [unreasonable, excessive] fine, fine [wine, foods, art] , 更多……

标题中含有单词 'fine' 的论坛讨论:

For men accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home, the change to the Alps must have been very hard I hope you are fine I'm fine/okay It's fine. portrait / fine arts You have a fine on your account , her small fine body () clothed in lustrous, pearly grey satin, - English Only forum "...if it's fine with you" in formal register - English Only forum ''I'm fine'' as an answer to "what's up?'' - English Only forum 'Fine I hope' or 'Fine, I hope'? - English Only forum 'How are you?' ''I'm not fine.'' - English Only forum [grammar] I am doing just fine - English Only forum a $45 citation/fine - English Only forum a $500 fine for what he was nothing - English Only forum a brown dam... The wind combed the surface of the dam into fine ridges. - English Only forum A comb with wide/fine teeth - English Only forum a corner with some fine formations - English Only forum a fine beard and a thin beard - English Only forum a fine colour on his brown cheek - English Only forum A fine difference would be... - English Only forum a fine down - English Only forum a fine drizzle of rain fell - English Only forum a fine explosion on the head of it - English Only forum A fine feeling for you? - English Only forum a fine golden watch with a big chain - English Only forum a fine line to walk - English Only forum a fine old house it must have been to go to school at - English Only forum a fine paste, molded, and artfully painted .... - English Only forum a fine series - English Only forum a fine spray of blood - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'fine'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "fine" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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